Ali’s Meanderings

Logical? Not so much….


I took Spanish in High School and College.  I have no IDEA how I got through the placement test for College but I was put in 201 right off the bat – GREAT!!!!  Overall, I really do love the language but my high school teachers went from GREAT to REALLY CRAPPY.

So I love Dora and sharing the language with Regan.  We haven’t been watching a lot of Dora or Diego lately but obviously it has stuck with Regan.

We got home the other night and Regan wanted to play with her Elmo umbrella outside.  I’m fine with this as she is loving this umbrella right now.  So she tells David and I that we are Gate Blockers.  So David whispers to me (we were told we weren’t allowed to speak, “Gate blockers don’t talk”), “You know that I’m not moving when she comes back up this way”.  She mosies (sp?) on back and stands in front of us and says “Abre!”  David totally caved.  He had to give her props for using spanish. 

I was thoroughly impressed that she remembered the word…..and the meaning for that matter.

January 30, 2008 Posted by | Regan-isms | , | 3 Comments