Ali’s Meanderings

Logical? Not so much….


I had to see if I had ever said anything about this before but I don’t see anything, so I will dive in!!

David and I have a joke about his farting gaseous explosions.   Any time that it is a really horrendous explosion – I mean even he doesn’t like to stew in it, we say that he needs a breaf (breath) mint for his butt.

On the way to Little Gym tonight, Regan asked Daddy to sit by her on the way there.  He obliged quite happily.  David and I were talking around the music and I vaguely heard ‘something’.   Anymore I almost don’t hear them, that is how used to it I am (unless it is disgustingly obvious that he just shat himself).  All the sudden Regan says “Mommy, something doesn’t smell right!” and Daddy owns up and says “That is just me”, Regan proceeds to tell Daddy that is smells REALLY bad.  He chuckles.  So I tell Regan, “Tell Daddy that he needs a breaf mint” (leaving off the, for-his-butt part).  Being the smart, intelligent, 3 yo that she is, she says…….

“Daddy, you need a DIAPER!!!”

How right she is some days!

January 17, 2008 Posted by | David-isms, Regan-isms | , , , | 3 Comments