Ali’s Meanderings

Logical? Not so much….


Sundays are my mini-chill days.  I take my time in the morning, get ready to go get coffee.  Regan and I sit around and chat with our friends from the coffee shop, run whatever errands need to be run, come home, eat lunch and take a nap.  I try not to take naps on Sunday because then I will be up too late and hate Monday morning with more of a passion.

I knew that I was going to have to come back into work this weekend but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it before today.  I was pushed into it today though.  The schedule bumped my job up 12 hours so…..I had to put out the paper work.

I don’t mind really, at least it wasn’t half the day.  Now I can go home and relax, do laundry, get ready for tomorrow and HANG!

January 20, 2008 Posted by | Random Thoughts | , | 1 Comment